Salmon, recommended during and after pregnancy

According to a scientific study that has been endorsed by The Norwegian Sea Products Council, it is highly recommended to incorporate salmon into the diet during pregnancy and lactation and also include it during the child's childhood. According to this study, Omega 3 fatty acids contributed by salmon intake prevent a possible premature delivery and contribute greatly to the development of the fetus, especially during the last stage of pregnancy but also during the first years of life of the child.

On the website of Only them, they tell us about this study, about the nutritional properties of salmon, its benefits and its qualities, etc. What we no longer think so well is the propaganda and channeling that is carried out towards the Salmonfumat brand, but this is another issue in which economic interests are involved rather than healthy. In Babies and more we have talked about the importance of pregnant women limiting the intake of some fish, also about the recommendations to make a contribution of this type of acids through other foods, since unfortunately, the fish is contaminated by mercury, as indicated by the American Medicines Agency (FDA) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Salmon and fish in general are really beneficial foods, but the benefits they can bring are overshadowed by the pollution suffered by the seas, therefore, it is best to eat fish but in its proper measure without abusing.

Video: 9 Kinds of Fish You Should Never Eat (May 2024).