Working in a hostile work environment negatively affects the way mothers are raised

One phrase or advice we usually make about the balance between work and home life is to leave the work problems where they belong and not take them home. It is not always possible to comply with this recommendation, as there are things at work that depend on third parties, but we must do everything possible so that it does not affect family dynamics.

And a recent study shows us how it can affect the working life of other family members, because it was found that Mothers who were in a hostile work environment end up adopting postures or severe parenting methods.

The study

Titled "Uncivil Workplace, Uncivil Home: Workplace Incivility and Harmful Parenting Behavior"(Workplace uncivil, home uncivil: work uncivility and harmful parenting behavior), the study was aimed at investigate whether harmful parenting behaviors were the result of mistreatment of mothers in the work environment.

In a press release about this study, published on the site of the American Psychological Association Work uncivility is defined as any behavior that is rude, disrespectful, impolite or violates the norms of a respectful work environment.

According to Kathryne Dupre, one of the authors of the study, this type of behavior shows a lack of concern for others, and some examples of workplace uncivility include ignoring or making derogatory comments about someone, taking credit for someone else's work, blaming them for someone else's mistakes, and avoiding or leaving someone out of a team.

Through online surveys of mothers working outside the home and their partners, it was explored how permissive or authoritative parenting styles could be the result of displaced aggression.

In these surveys, mothers talked about her experience with uncivil employment, her feelings about her effectiveness as mothers and other demographic data were collected. They were also asked to rate their parenting behaviors that they considered negative, such as being too permissive or authoritarian.

It was found that there was an indirect relationship between uncivility in the work environment and authoritarian upbringing, while there were none in permissive parenting methods.

Although some people have noticed that becoming a mother has improved their labor productivity and Having children has helped them develop other skills such as time managementMany women fear that starting a family may have a negative impact on their professional career.

The results show that a hostile work environment, in which one lives for example, labor discrimination because of being a mother, Not only does it affect women, but it also affects their children.

Video: How to start changing an unhealthy work environment. Glenn D. Rolfsen. TEDxOslo (May 2024).