My homemade angel costume

As I said yesterday, I had to wind my brains to make a Christmas costume for my girl that was beautiful, cheap and most importantly, that it wouldn't take me long.

In the end I decided to do the angel costume. Not that my girl is a perfect copy of one, but this morning, at least when she left for school she looked like a sweet white cherub.

I give you the instructions on how I did it because it was much easier and faster than I thought with things I had at home.

I have drawn two wings on a white cardboard not too soft so that the weight does not double them, or on a soft cardboard, if it is better white, but paint it.

I have trimmed the wings and stuck them very well by the inner ends below. Then I put glue on the bar and glued the cotton. No need to spend too much, it reached me with half a package. The important thing is that the entire surface of the wings is covered.

Then I made four holes, two in each wing where I placed elastic to pass the little arms and carry them as a backpack.

You have to dress your little angel all in white or light blue. You can put a gold or silver bow and a crown on the waist.

I have made them with a gold ribbon that wrapped the Christmas basket. I have sewn a crown to the size of the head and the rest as a belt.

I hope my advice can help some other mother in trouble. And then send us a photo.

Thanks for your ideas.

Video: DIY Angel Wings DIY Angel Wings with lights Halloween Angel costume Christmas Angel costume (July 2024).