Learn to eat healthy, I am what I eat

A person's eating habits are learned during childhood, guided by the guidelines parents have developed in food education. So, so much that we talk about childhood obesity, for example, we already know who should be thanked ...

Therefore, many parents need learn to eat well to educate your children in the same habit, thus providing healthy growth and the knowledge necessary to understand that food is one of the basis of health.

Just a few weeks ago a new program was released on Channel Four that has a certain similarity with the one we previously shared on Friday nights, Supernanny. This new program is called I am what I eat, and the similarity is that in this case it is an expert in nutrition who goes to households to check the type of food that the family carries. Yolanda Sanz studies the family's eating habits and educates them so that both parents and children eat healthy.

As a result of this program, the book market has also come out. I am what I eat, learn to eat healthy to live happily, a nutrition guide that provides information about the properties of food and beverages, the most appropriate eating habits, clarifies Some myths about the combination of food, show rich and healthy recipes, etc.

It does not hurt to enter the web of Cuatro and perform a test to know if your diet is as correct as you think. It is for you, for your children and for their future.

Video: What I Eat In A Day how i got my abs. RENEE AMBERG (May 2024).