The pacifier is not as bad as they paint it

It seems that the bad reputation of the pacifier is not as true as it is believed. According to an article published in the Health supplement Taken from the Journal of the Academy of General Dentistry, he says that if he retires before the age of two, it does not cause deformation in the dentition of children.

The widely used 'suck' reduces the incidence of sudden infant death, is a very effective analgesic in painful processes and, in addition, the harmful effects it exerts on the correct alignment of the teeth are transient. It is estimated that, in order for the malformations to be appreciable, it is necessary to exert a more or less constant pressure for approximately six hours a day. The time factor, together with that of the energy that the child applies in the suction will make a difference in this aspect.

Of course, experts say that he must be removed by two years and that he should not be abused to calm the baby at all times, you have to let him express his feelings, receive the affection and understanding that every baby needs.

On the other hand, they affirm that the finger carries worse consequences and is a more difficult habit to eradicate than the use of the pacifier.

If you still have doubts about the use of this gadget that babies love so much, do not forget to read the full article on

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