Women should know their blood pressure before pregnancy

The specialist Nieves Martell, coordinator of the Hypertensive Club of the Spanish Society of Hypertension, provides a recommendation for women who consider having a child. Before starting pregnancy, it is convenient to know the blood pressure, the reason is none other than prevention, since through this measure you can know if there is hypertension and therefore, follow the most recommended treatment.

There is a big difference between presenting a high blood pressure before pregnancy, or that it rises during the course of pregnancy, since each situation requires a specific treatment and once pregnant, it is not known for sure if this high tension is due to pregnancy or already suffered. In each case they are different treatments and some are totally contraindicated in the treatment of the hypertension of future moms. Having high blood pressure can cause various problems, one of them could be preeclampsia, which in turn can lead to brain hemorrhage in the future baby. The first 20 weeks of pregnancy are very important, since the child's organs are forming and is in a delicate and vulnerable moment, the blood pressure that the future mother has can have a significant impact on him.

It is necessary and very important to carry out a check and know what the state of blood pressure is, a simple test that will avoid problems that sometimes become dangerously serious for you and the baby.

Video: Hypertension during pregnancy (July 2024).