More home deliveries in the United Kingdom

If before it was considered a thing of hippies or a utopia, currently giving birth at home is gaining more and more followers worldwide.

In the United Kingdom it is one of the countries where the concept of give birth in the house itself.

The number of Britons who choose to have their babies in the privacy of their home with the assistance of midwives, in their time, in the position they want and in their own way, without unnecessary medical intervention has grown considerably.

In fact, it is such a required possibility that the government has pledged that all women may have the option of giving birth at home within the public health system next year.

For that they must increase the number of midwives and invest is their training so that they can care for pregnant women with all the guarantees.

However, they warn that not all women can opt for this possibility; Only those who have a low-risk pregnancy and have not had problems during pregnancy.

Pregnancies with diabetes, high blood pressure, any medical condition or whose baby is not in proper posture or born before 37 weeks have no choice but to go to the hospital.

I am glad to know that more and more women can benefit from a more natural birth in the tranquility of their homes, with the company they prefer and in the way they wish.

The hospital is always there, but the important thing is that we are seeing new options emerge, and it is a breakthrough that governments include home delivery in their health systems as a possibility to choose.

Video: Britain needs more homes. What would you like to see the Housing Market deliver? #LWIATQ (July 2024).