Most children who wet the bed inherit it from their parents

I would never have believed that bedwetting, or childhood urinary incontinence at night, could have any genetic cause, rather it is attributed to medical issues or to too deep sleep.

However, a study by the Spanish Urological Association has revealed that a 73% of children who wet the bed have a family history.

So if any of the parents, an uncle or aunt often wet the bed in their childhood, there may be the germ of the problem.

It is a matter that worries parents a lot, maybe because many of them suffered it in their own flesh, but to give them peace of mind, it is a problem that is solved in almost all cases over time.

It affects boys twice as much as girls, and experts say it has no direct relationship with the child's personality or school performance.

To help the child overcome the disorder, remember that it is important in no case to punish him or make him feel bad for having wet the bed; instead, it is necessary to stimulate them through motivational therapy to overcome it and help them get up each morning with a dry bed.

In any case, enuresis is a problem that finds its solution in time, except in children with a specific problem who also have difficulty retaining the pee during the day.

Video: Children's Bedwetting : Genetics & Bedwetting (May 2024).