Healthy Tanning, new campaign of Healthy Idea and the AECC

Idea Sana, from the Eroski supermarket chain, together with the Spanish Association Against Cancer, started the campaign in Valladolid Healthy Tanning to warn society about the dangers that sun exposure can contain.

By informing about the risks that inadequate sun exposure can cause, it is expected to reduce the problems that adults and children suffer from year after year, such as burns, premature skin aging, blemishes and skin cancer.

Children are the most vulnerable, the interest that parents put in knowing how to acquire a healthy tan will be reflected in the health of their children. We already know that the education that is given at home, from very young, are the habits that children will acquire. According to experts, the sun that is taken during the first ten years of life is proportional to the risk of skin cancer, prevention is the best weapon to avoid a very harmful evil that can be overcome.

As we recently mentioned in Babies and more, many parents do not adequately protect their children from the sun, nor themselves, both people with very white skin, freckles or pregnant women, should not be exposed to the sun with a sunscreen less than factor 25, not for long times and much less at the hottest hours, between 12 and 16 hours approximately.

Remember that at this point you also have to protect yourself when you go out for a walk, the hair, lips and hands are the most neglected exposed areas.

Video: George try to get a sun tan (July 2024).