Hospital discharge after delivery when?

After giving birth in a delivery without complications, the hospital discharge of the mother is received in two or three days, since it also depends on the day of the week that paperwork has to be processed according to the center where the baby is born.

The issue is that around 16% of newly released moms are not ready to go home when they are discharged from hospital. From your own experience and from nearby ones, this may happen after the first birth, but with the second, what you are most looking forward to is coming home with your baby in your arms.

Pediatrics magazine publishes these data after analyzing the factors that have influenced mothers, obstetricians or pediatricians to consider that the discharge of the mother should be delayed. First, they urge that the decision to discharge after birth be a joint decision between the mother, the pediatrician and the obstetrician, since each one will have a point of view and knowledge about the needs of the mother and her son.

The Pediatrics study analyzed the situation of 4,300 women who had given birth and had been discharged from the hospital about 46 hours after natural birth, while in the case of caesarean section, discharge had been granted about 74 hours after the baby was born.

All these women and their obstetricians or their children's pediatricians responded to a questionnaire at the time they were discharged. Two out of three women said they were not prepared to go home, saying they needed more medical care, while obstetricians or pediatricians said that the need for these mothers was lack of training and knowledge about caring for the baby and feeding.

It is not strange, when you are a first time mom, you are afraid of not knowing how to respond properly to the needs of our little one. Experience is always a degree.

It also happens that it is the baby who is considered not ready to be discharged, according to the mothers for issues related to their care, according to the doctors because the parents are not prepared and a common conclusion is the food that should receive the baby.

In short, this analysis shows that it should not be considered that in all deliveries that develop normally, the patient must be discharged after X hours, each mother and each baby has their needs, but the hospitals they need are free beds.

Do you think you were ready when you got home with your baby?

Video: Postpartum Care for Mom (May 2024).