Health has a good plan: more natural births

We have been seeing a revolution for some time in terms of childbirth care.

More and more centers are joining the train of humanized childbirth in which the woman retakes the prominence to leave behind being treated as a patient in a hospital bed. Although we do not sing victory, there are still some supporters of the old way.

But the change is coming, I hope. On Monday VelSid told us about the Nornal Birth Attention Strategy, a new plan devised by Health for a more humanized delivery care and to reduce the number of caesarean sections, eliminating unnecessary ones.

In order to elaborate it, responsible for the Ministry of Health met together with midwives and doctors to define the axes of the new strategy based on reducing medical interventions and that the woman be an absolute participant at the time of giving birth. The intention is to return to more traditional methods but with all current medical guarantees.

In addition to some measures that my colleagues told us in their post such as the elimination of the use of forceps or the practice of routine episiotomy, we also intend to change others such as strengthening the doctor-patient relationship, respecting the labor times of each woman, enable special centers to give birth that do not require as many resources as hospitals, eliminate induction to childbirth except for medical reasons, choose the position to give birth, that does not separate the baby from the mother and facilitate breastfeeding.

The new strategy will be presented to the Interterritorial Council that will study it to be presented before March.

There was already a change coming that the natural childbirth associations shouted for. Hopefully the plan will come to fruition and that more humanized births will soon be a reality.

Video: Natural Childbirth, Waterbirth and Traditional Birth, Differences for Mom & Baby (July 2024).