Crohn's disease related to a poor diet

A study prepared by researchers from the University of Montreal (Canada) shows a relationship between Crohn's disease in children and a poor diet in fruits, vegetables and fatty acids.

Crohn's disease is a disease characterized by an attack of the immune system itself on the intestine, although more preferably on the small intestine, causing chronic inflammation of this area. Some of its symptoms are the expulsion of blood, greater number of bowel movements or abdominal pain.

Until now the causes of the disease were unknown and it was suspected that there was a genetic predisposition to suffer from it, other theories pointed to a cluster of different pathogenic microorganisms as the responsible cause. The truth is that for sure the causes of this disease are unknown. However, scientists have discovered that there is a close relationship between diet and the development of the disease, the greater the consumption of fats, the greater the likelihood of suffering from this disease. The conclusions obtained are based on the study of 130 patients who presented this pathology, apparently, those children who enjoyed a diet rich in healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables or fish, had a much higher resistance to suffering from the disease than those who did not They contemplated these foods in their diet.

A significant and curious fact was the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, depending on which acid predominated in the body, the resistance to the disease increased or decreased, the omega 3 fatty acids being more valuable. As we know, these Acids are obtained mainly from fish or vegetables.

The discovery allows us to open new avenues to treat children suffering from this disease, every day we find new studies that show the close relationship between diet and health, it is recommended that children from an early age get used to healthy eating, thanks This will prevent many diseases.