Childhood insomnia, bad habits are usually the cause

Up to 90% of cases of childhood insomnia are related to bad habits that babies have acquired during their first six months of life, the logical answer is that we are the parents most responsible for the occurrence of this problem that does not let the child sleep and neither does the parents.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics places special emphasis on the need for parents to adopt an appropriate mode of action, with love but always marking a line. It is not about being strict or hard, you just have to habituate the children.

On some occasions we have spoken in Babies and more about the importance of following daily routines and habits for the baby, this greatly benefits them when it comes to eating, sleeping, etc. The introduction to healthy sleep habits begins when the child comes into the world, the performance of the parents, the environment, the temperature ... all are factors to be taken into account that will ensure those habits so necessary for children and their parents.

Sleeping well is a basic thing, in fact it is essential for a child to develop properly and parents are the ones who must provide our children with the routine so that they do not have sleep problems.

But for this we must provide all those elements that can facilitate it, according to experts, the quantity and quality of sleep during the first four years are a very important factor for properly developing the language and a seed planted so that in successive years, the school performance is higher.

Sleeping well influences all aspects, physical and intellectual development, development of the immune system, etc., so experts warn about the importance of acquiring the right habits and try to show parents what should be the most appropriate behavior to follow .

Video: A Good Night's Slumber: Tips for Healthy Sleep Habits in Children. UCLAMDCHAT Webinars (July 2024).