007 also bears: parents respond to the mockery of Daniel Craig for porting their daughter

It is currently common to see parents more actively (or at least more publicly) in the care and upbringing of children, compared to previous generations, when this was considered by most people as something that was the responsibility of mothers

However, some people still see it as something that corresponds more to mothers, such as the case of the ridiculous comment made by the British presenter Piers Morgan towards the actor Daniel Craig, mocking and doubting his masculinity by simply porting his daughter. What he probably did not imagine was that the parents would respond and go out to the defense of the actor who plays the famous Agent 007.

Porting is a wonderful way to carry and protect children during their first years of life (and even beyond early childhood). So wonderful is that both mothers and fathers love to port their children once they discover their practicality and benefits that this one offers to the whole family.

In Babies and more Pediatricians recommend that parents spend time with their children because their way of treating them is different from that of moms

An example of this is the photograph taken by actor Daniel Craig, who currently plays the famous secret agent James Bond, also known as 007. In it, he looks at him carrying his two-month-old daughter, also placing his hand protectively on the little girl's back, which he had with actress Rachel Weisz.

However, what is a tender moment, but especially natural between father and daughter, for the British presenter Piers Morgan seemed a reason to doubt the masculinity of the actor. In a post on your Twitter account, The presenter shares this photo, accompanied by a phrase in which he questions "surprised" the image of the actor carrying his daughter.

Oh 007… not you as well? !!! #papoose #emasculatedBond pic.twitter.com/cqWiCRCFt3

- Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) October 15, 2018

Oh 007, you too? !!!

In addition to the phrase in which he appears to be disappointed in the actor referring to his role as James Bond, the presenter accompanies the publication with two hashtags: one that says "baby carrier" and another that reads: "Castrated Bond". It seems that for him, a man who carries his baby is less "male" or "male" simply by exercising his role as a father.

In Babies and morePorting your baby: a wonderful and unforgettable experience that will "hook you"

Of course, social media reactions were swift, and dozens of parents responded to the presenter, many of them including photographs of themselves proudly porting their children.

There's me carrying my youngest daughter, in the 7 years since this photo I've had my nails painted, hair done, been a patient at their dentist and worked in their kitchen more times than I can remember. Might not be manly, but its fun and I wouldnt change anything. pic.twitter.com/AxCXHyNsLM

- Lord Helmet (@d_helmet) October 16, 2018

That is me carrying my youngest daughter, in the seven years that have passed since that photograph, they have painted my nails, combed my hair, I have been a patient of a small dentist and I have worked in her kitchenette more times than I can remember. It may not be masculine, but it's fun and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

I loved wearing my baby. Fancy a dad enjoying being close to his child! pic.twitter.com/vajH5Flrpw

- Seán Ó Domhnaill ️ (@joapostrophed) October 15, 2018

I loved carrying my baby. Nothing like seeing a father being close to his son.

Oh dear Piers. A man nuturing and bonding with his child is not to be mocked. We all need to feel safe and secure so where better for a baby than listening to the heartbeat of a parent? pic.twitter.com/eqCSZRjYFF

- Rachel (@enduringdelight) October 16, 2018

Oh dear Piers. A man caring for and creating a bond with his son is nothing to make fun of. We all need to feel safe and secure, so what better for a baby, than listening to his father's heartbeat?

I'd never let the opinion of a fossil like you get in the way of such a pleasure. #realdadsarerealmen pic.twitter.com/qF5U2G4Fmt

- Paul Lennon (@pa___ul) October 16, 2018

I would never let the opinion of a fossil like you be able to intervene in such joy #LosPadresRealesSonReal Men

I'm just delighted we have the same sling as 007 pic.twitter.com/Z4UfxN5rLM

- Emma Toner (@Middlin_Tweets) October 16, 2018

I am simply delighted to have the same carrier backpack as 007.

Delighted to find out I am as unmanly as Daniel Craig. pic.twitter.com/9plJ0o4moL

- Steve Ashby (@grungeviking) October 16, 2018

Nice to know that I'm as unmanly as Daniel Craig.

And so, many parents continued to share more photographs, while other people, both men and women with or without children, applauded every response the presenter received. In particular, one of the answers that I liked the most and that totally disputes the attempt to make fun was: Is there anything more masculine than a father protecting and caring for his baby?

In Babies and more In our family neither mom sends nor dad is just a spectator: the upbringing is of both

Another response that was very direct and applauded was that of Chris Evans, the actor who plays Captain America in the hit Marvel movies:

You really have to be so uncertain of your own masculinity to concern yourself with how another man carries his child. Any man who wastes time quantifying masculinity is terrified on the inside. //t.co/9jsHZ3WKRn

- Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) October 16, 2018

You have to be very insecure about your own masculinity to worry about how another man decides to take his baby. Any man who wastes his time quantifying masculinity is terrified inside.

Actually, and in my very personal opinion, we shouldn't even be talking about masculinity. That kind of stereotypes should be left where they belong, in the past along with all those ideas and absurd prejudices about roles in motherhood and fatherhood.

That a father bears, cares for, raises, plays and spends time with his children, simply speaks of a human being who is fulfilling and enjoying his fatherhood. Without that doubting absolutely nothing else about him. So Out of ridiculous prejudices and stereotypes and to continue behaving and raising with pride, parents, that the famous 007 does too.

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