Decide to be a single mother

Some time ago Elda told us about the group "Single mothers by choice", a meeting place for all those women who decide to have children, or have had them, facing maternity without a partner. Hundreds of women from all over the world gather in this space that the Internet offers to support and share experiences.

I bring this group back because I have read an interesting article in Public that brings us closer to an increasingly frequent reality in our environment and that it is not always easy to defend, if maternity has to be defended at some point.

They try to stop being "weirdoes" and understand their choice as one more possibility of current family. In Spain there is no record of women who decide to give birth without a partner by their side (official figures speak of 26.6% of lonely mothers, although without specifying which were by choice).

But the Assisted reproduction carried out in single women may have doubled and even tripled in recent years according to clinic data.

Artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization they are the options chosen by more and more women who want to be mothers first of all, regardless of not being part of that "traditional family" of which we find less and less.

Among the objectives of these mothers is to find greater support from public institutions and

"to ensure that the specific needs of our type of family are met by public and / or private organizations: social, educational, health".

Is about educated, university women, with stable work, economically solvent and between 35 and 45 years old. That is the profile of single mothers by choice in Spain. And braveI would add. Challenging conventions and defending above all their desire and conviction to be mothers.