Pregnancy symptoms: are they or do we want them to be?

Eva listed yesterday the first symptoms a woman experiences when she becomes pregnant.

Explained they seem very concise, whether they have them or not. But when we are looking for a baby and every month we want it to be that of the great news, the pregnancy symptoms can be idealized, wanting to believe they are due to a pregnancy when it is not really the reason.

Lack of menstruation is the main pregnancy sign, but its delay may also be due to other causes.

Stress, emotional changes, a trip or some medication as well as the woman's age can affect the occasional absence of the rule. For example, in puberty and in pre-menopausal women, cycles may present irregular rhythms, without implying pregnancy. It may also be due to a gynecological problem such as a cyst or delayed ovulation, in which case you should consult with a specialist.

The pain in the lower belly, as well as a slight swelling of the area, are also signs that can be interpreted according to the wishes of each woman. They may well be due to the discomforts typical of the first weeks of pregnancy when the embryo is installed in the uterus as an indicator that the rule is approaching. As you can see, it is not an infallible sign of pregnancy, much less.

Likewise, the changes in the breasts are confusing and their intensity varies according to the sensitivity of each woman. They always tend to swell when the rule approaches, but who have experienced the first symptoms of pregnancy We know that sensitivity is exaggerated. That is, when you are really pregnant (at least in my case it was like that) the breasts hurt at the slightest touch, when touching them, when you put on your bra and even when you hit the raindrops of the shower on them.

Likewise, any dizziness, nausea or rejection of a certain food can be immediately related to a pregnancy. We can even attribute fatigue or occasional craving to this possibility.

But one day, the blessed rule appears collapsing all the hopes of the woman who dreams of being a mother, and of her partner of course, assuming that she also wants to be a father. Or the disappointment comes from the hand of the negative pregnancy test result. There are those who do not resign and are tested one after another seeking confirmation. Although we have already commented once that it is not good to abuse the pregnancy test because it can play tricks on us.

The frustration can be very great, especially when the search is spreading more than desired or much more than that of some friends who were "at first". But we know that comparisons are odious and in this case, harmful. We must avoid being overwhelmed trying to be positive and leaving aside the obsession to get pregnant that is a bad counselor. I know it is easy to say when you are not in the skin, but to lift that mood that surely when you least expect it and stop thinking about babies, it happens.

Video: When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start? (May 2024).