Fetal alcohol syndrome: 1 in 750 babies whose mothers consume alcohol suffer from it

He fetal alcohol syndrome (SAF) It is a set of symptoms and signs that appear in the newborn who has been exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.

It is alarming to know that it is the main cause of physical and mental birth defects above spina bifida and down syndrome.

The most surprising thing is that it is one hundred percent avoidable. But still, pregnant women continue to consume alcohol and of them 1 baby is born in 750 who will suffer the consequences of his irresponsibility.

The alcohol consumed by the mother crosses the placenta and reaches the amniotic fluid, remaining there longer than the one that remains in the woman's blood.

Among the most frequent consequences of SAF we can highlight, delayed growth, mental retardation, low birth weight, small head and facial abnormalities (small eye openings, low nasal bridge, short nose, thin upper lip, underdeveloped jaw, non-existent labial naso groove or flat mediofacial profile).

The child may also have problems with coordination and fine motor skills, learning problems, difficulty sleeping, sucking problems and hyperactivity, just to name a few.

It is not known for sure if there is a minimum amount of alcohol allowed during pregnancy. It will depend on the resistance to alcohol of each organism, the time of gestation and other factors that we do not know. But how much alcohol is a lot and how much is little? The best is nothing.

Throughout the pregnancy and even before, since you seek pregnancy, you should choose not to consume a single drop of alcohol.

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