Feeding bottle

We have already seen that there are bottles since ancient times, although of mud or other materials, therefore it was only a matter of time before one was invented imitate the mother's breast, not only in the nipple but in the entire container.

Personally I have seen them inside the package and I have not been able to check their texture, but it is made with a soft material and the manufacturers say that babies respond very well to the softness similar to that of the mother, and that they often accept this bottle at the first attempt, even if they have rejected others.

Another novelty is that it has a patented nipple with three exit holes. A slow flow similar to breastfeeding and faster ones that can be opened as the baby grows or for those who have a hard time the first.

On the web they explain the instructions in detail. It seems to require a small learning process.

There are 2 models: the one in the photo above, with the shape of a chest, and the one below, more similar to a bottle and of greater capacity.


It seems to me a great idea for both breastfeeding and mixed breastfeeding mothers or even those who exclusively breastfeed but want to bottle-feed a shot (with their milk removed or other).

What I am not sure if it is easy to handle or not, and of course is not compatible with the entire market of products for bottles: drains, sterilizers, heaters, etc. But it seems that the benefits can compensate for the disadvantages. It's a matter of trying it.

Several brands market it. I've seen it in organic stores and at the Bioculture Fair. It costs about 18 euros.

Video: 10 Best Baby Bottles 2019 You Must Have To Your Baby (July 2024).