Tell us your story: The most anticipated arrival

Today we publish a new story of fathers and mothers who want to share their experience with all of us. In this case, Adriana explains to us what it meant to carry a pregnancy as a single mother and also surf the threat of childbirth throughout pregnancy. In the end, he asks our readers for advice on a topic that concerns him.

If you also want to tell us your story, send it to [email protected].

Hello, my name is Adriana and my story begins like this, I am a single mom since I decided to separate from my partner, he did not agree that my baby was born. When I gave him the news of my pregnancy, the first thing he did was get angry and suggest that I abort him, in fact he looked for a doctor but the denial was absolute, I wanted my baby so much that well after that I decided that I was going to be alone with my son since he didn't want either of us to propose that.

The pregnancy started and well it was a hard time since I handled a high-risk pregnancy, bleeding all the time and as it was obvious the dad, if you can call such a person, he never bothered to join a clinic to take control like this For my part, I decided to go find a clinic where I could attend because I did not work and well thank God I had the support of my family. Here in Mexico there is an institution that can serve single moms and help them depending on their socioeconomic situation. Well, my control takes him in this clinic. But there were many times when I felt like I was losing my baby. I was hospitalized for a very strong and good bleeding at that time the doctors handled a threat of abortion, the months passed and based on medications, to calm the contractions and to be completely at rest every nine months, but the 8 month arrived and arrived The moment of my baby's birth. Although he was premature, he was born without further problems on December 11, 2003, well it was the most beautiful thing that could happen to me, although I was terrified at this moment everything went well. I have always said that my son is very strong since since before he was born he intended to fight for his life.

At this moment he is about to turn almost 5 years old and is a very awake and intelligent child, he is very hyperactive since he is never still in one place and super sociable, quite the opposite of me.

But I feel that I have a problem and would like to be helped.

After my baby was born and I felt a lot of joy, I entered a moment called postpartum and well I felt a lot of rejection to my baby, but over time I feel that this has not happened.

Since I do not have much patience with him because as I mention he is very, very restless, I continually scold him and shout at him, although a little while passes and well I regret very much having treated him that way and I apologize for being so, he in his drawings that he makes of me always draws me angry and never cheerful while other people draw them very happy, I don't know what to do to change my behavior towards him but there are times when I feel I can't. I feel that I mistreat it and I cannot change my behavior, my mother continually tells me that I do not love the child since whenever I am at home I scold or shout at him and well not to mention when I scold him since everyone in my house They get in

But really I feel that I love him very much.

I hope you can help me with any comments or suggestions to make my mail really thank you.

Thank you and I say goodbye to you. Adriana

Video: Arrival Making Science Fiction Personal (July 2024).