Greater regulation for magnetic toys

As of today, a new regulation enters into force in which the European Union prohibits the commercialization of magnetic toys that do not have a label that warns of risks They can present for health and safety, also for children over three years.

It is anticipated that this law will mainly affect products that come from developing countries, which have the most lax laws and the least quality and safety controls. The toys that this standard will monitor are those that may contain one or more magnets or magnetic components that can be detached and ingested by children.

Until today the regulation focused on the components of toys, whether magnetic or not. It established that products intended for children under 36 months would have to be large enough to avoid ingestion. This seemed to be an insufficient security measure, and they have believed their review forced. The label must have a phrase that is easily seen and similar to this "Attention. This toy contains magnets or magnetic components. The union of the magnets with each other or a metal object inside the human body can cause serious or fatal injuries. If the magnets have been swallowed or inhaled, seek immediate medical attention. "

The bad thing about this law is its duration, it will only be valid for 12 months although with the possibility of prolongation. The reason is the great differences that exist between the laws of the countries of the European Union. Until they are more uniform among themselves, this measure cannot be permanent.

Between 2006 and April 2007, the number of accidents with this type of toys, which required medical treatment amounted to 32 cases, in children aged between 10 months and 12 years, a figure not negligible when we talk about risks such as aspiration in the lung or bowel perforation.

Since the implementation of this standard only a few hours ago, the first cases have already been detected. The consumer association FACUA has denounced the sale of ten products after conducting a first survey in five children's stores.

Via | The world In Babies and more | The European Commission proposes stricter rules for toys In Babies and more | Too many alerts in Spain for dangerous toys for children

Video: CPSC Webinar: Childrens Toy Overview (July 2024).