It is worse to be born in times of economic crisis

In case we did not already have a hard time living in times of economic crisis how it is, in which it costs much more to reach the end of the month and we do not say pay the mortgage, now a study surprises us with the news that being born in these times carries more health risks to be born in other times of greater bonanza.

Apparently, children who come to the world in times of economic recession live less years than the rest and are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease when they grow old.

This conclusion was made by the Danish and German scientists of the Bonn Birth Study Institute, which after a complex epidemiological analysis, conducted a study on all twins born in Denmark around 1900. Apparently, people born in This time of crisis lived an average of 11 months less than people born in an environment of economic growth.

The cause of this lower survival is found in the worst cardiovascular health of these individuals when they reach 70 to 80 years. Luckily, there were no differences between other health problems analyzed, such as cancer. The explanation could be in the stress levels suffered by the parents of these children and that could be transmitted to the child even when it is still inside the uterus.

Due to the difference in time between the realization of this study and our days, the authors recommend that we should put preventive measures in place so that this does not happen, instead of checking if this situation is going to reproduce also in this century . The authors also insist that although so much time has passed, the conclusions apply to the times of today.

Video: Here's Why ONLY ONE Banker Went To Jail For The Economic Crisis (April 2024).