Palpitations and tachycardia in pregnancy

When we are pregnant the blood volume of our body increases to meet the growth and nutrition needs of the baby.

Due to this increase in blood flow, some discomforts typical of pregnancy such as fainting, headache, hemorrhoids, edema, generalized fatigue and also palpitations Y tachycardia.

He heart You must work at forced marches to pump the extra amount of blood. It gets to pump up to 50% more blood than in normal conditions, so it is normal for the mother to suffer palpitations from the first quarter, but become more pronounced from the second quarter.

But now that the heart must work for two, in addition to increasing the volume of blood it is logical that the heart rate also increases, that is to say that more beats occur per minute and that the heart contracts more strongly.

Tachycardia and palpitations during pregnancy

To this is added that as the uterus grows the organs such as the lungs and the heart have less space, in fact the heart moves a little to the left and may suffer a slight alteration of its functioning.

It is normal to feel that our heart is going to be a thousand an hour or that it is going to get out of our chest, that is, to have tachycardia. I used to feel it in the third quarter after making some effort and sometimes when I was lying on my back. It is best to relax and breathe deeply until they pass.

They also contribute to palpitations factors such as stress, anxiety, efforts and an inappropriate lifestyle, which to prevent the problem from going further is necessary to leave aside worries.

It is advised not to get too fat, exercise moderately, practice relaxation techniques, sleep on your side, not on your back, get enough rest, take care of food and lead a quiet life, if possible.

Despite being a normal physiological symptom among pregnant women, the palpitations and the tachycardia They should not be underestimated. If they occur very often or are very strong it may be an alarm signal. Most pregnancy arrhythmias are benign, but you should also check with your doctor who will do the necessary tests to determine the source of the problem.

Video: Pregnancy can cause strange heart symptoms (July 2024).