Being a dad: how will your baby be (and how it won't be)

I know you imagine your baby is going to be like the one in the picture. In fact, you can imagine it with the pijamitas that you have bought or wrapped in a blanket in your arms, looking at you with those big eyes open, curious, playing with what you put in front of you and smiling continuously.

Yes, someday your baby will be similar to the one in the photo, but not when born.

We are so accustomed in the commercials and in the movies to put babies of weeks or months to play the role of newborn that we think that a well-formed person comes out of the maternal womb, with that skin so lustrous and soft and with that air Playful and smiling.

Well, I'm sorry but no. The baby in the picture is already several months old, so before it becomes like this, he will have a slightly different image (no better, no worse, different). You may have a slightly deformed head. You will have swollen eyes, you can even have them injected with blood or bruised, crushed nose and sometimes even off-center chin. Birth is a difficult process and the birth canal is narrow, this often makes the head asymmetrical or cone-like.

When they are born they are blue, yes, yes, like the smurfs. Until they start to breathe they have that bluish color and wrinkly skin (get 9 months in water, let's see how you get out).

It will have remnants of vernix caseosa, which has nothing to do with soda, which I know you were thinking about… It is an oily and whitish substance that protect baby's skin in the womb (ok, that the 9 months in the water are protected, but get 9 months in water with fat on the skin, see how you get out).

You will see that it is not a chubby baby like the one in the photo above, but like the one in the photo below. They are born with thin arms and legs that make them look extremely fragile.

Most have hair, a lot of hair. On the face, on the back, on the shoulders. Uhh, what a hair! - you think. And the truth is that he pulls back a little, but calm, his name is lanugo and in a few weeks he leaves.

They may even have granites. It is called miliary acne. It is not more than dead skin that is trapped in the skin follicles. As the skin is renewed this dead skin ends up coming out and the grain disappears. Do not touch them.

In short, they are born pulling feillos. Of course, the next day, clean, fragrant, dressed in that beautiful set we have for them, they are to eat them.