A study states that a little alcohol in pregnancy is not bad

It is common to hear that "To drink a glass every now and then nothing happens" and even that "Mother's anxiety is worse for the baby than drinking a glass".

Yesterday we talked about coffee, and the recommendation not to exceed 2 cups a day, but is there a limit measure of alcohol that does not increase the risk of defects in the baby ?, How much alcohol can be drunk during pregnancy? Better nothing, not a drop.

Although the British authorities also recommend not to consume alcohol during pregnancy, it is worrisome that a study by the University College of London has come out that in some way does alcohol apology during pregnancy. The researchers conclude that a slight amount (1 or 2 glasses per week) does not raise the risk of the baby suffering future behavioral problems.

The alarming thing is that information of this kind can encourage pregnant women to drink alcohol as if it were harmless to the baby, "Total, nothing happens, says a study".

Refusing a weekly drink is not so serious, especially if it is your baby. It is not known for sure how much alcohol can affect the baby, it depends on the body of each woman, the stage of pregnancy, among other things. Maybe two drinks in one woman do not affect, while in another, half a glass wreaks havoc. A generalized measure cannot be recommended when it comes to a drug.

In addition, the study speaks only of behavioral problems but alcohol is also related to other serious problems. It is the most frequent cause of mental retardation in the baby, malformations, can even develop problems of alcoholism in children and increases the risk of leukemia. And not to mention Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (SAF) in more accused cases.

Some doctors believe that occasional consumption is not harmful. Each, at your own risk, but I think that in case of doubt it is best to prevent. Nor is it so serious to make an effort for your baby.

Video: How Much Alcohol Can A Pregnant Woman Drink? (May 2024).