Bullying to mothers

This video collects the publicitary estrategy of direct marketing that a certain company designed in Argentina to ensure that mothers became faithful to their products. In my opinion, accessing mothers and pregnant women in the health centers themselves, filling them with images and complaints, giving them samples with the aim of creating new needs in them, is a true advertising harassment.

Women at that time are especially sensitive. Creating such an aggressive campaign to get them to buy, buy and buy products that are often not necessary I consider it unethical. Perhaps the most worrisome is the participation in this of the health system and medical staff that this is an accomplice for the gifts they receive or simply for a lack of integral human formation.

I have to tell you that Fundalam, Fundación Lactancia y Maternidad Argentina requested public rectification of the company. This campaign was also denounced during the VI Argentine Breastfeeding Congress of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics in one of the dissertations on advertising and breastfeeding. I hope that, little by little, these business strategies will change and that the health authorities will be able to stop them at least within the scope of the health system.