The semen of the Spaniards is one of the most effective

A study by the Valencian Institute of Infertility reveals that the semen quality of the Spaniards is one of the worst in Europe, however It is one of the most effective to achieve a pregnancy.
Comparing it with other thirteen countries, the semen of the Spaniards is at the tail in terms of volume (9th position), mobility (10th place) and concentration (11th place), leaving behind in this parameter the Turks and Belgians who also have the last position in the other two factors.

Sweden and Norway are the ones that obtain the best results in concentration and mobility, and Ireland and Germany are the first in volume of sperm per ejaculate.

After analyzing the quality of European sperm, its functioning was also evaluated, that is, the ability to achieve pregnancy, and here the Spanish managed to place themselves in second position, behind Portugal.

The study involved 11,975 couples who were going to undergo an in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment with egg donation, so the female factor when it came to getting pregnant was minimized since the donated eggs belonged to young women, Healthy and without fertility problems.

The results revealed that more than 40% of the Spanish couples who did this treatment got pregnant on the first attempt, while only 25% of the Swedish couples achieved it, despite its good seminal quality.

In short, we have few, they move a little, but they are skilled and fulfill their mission. A good fact to take into account and a reflection: if our life habits were less sedentary, our food and our environment healthier and we lived with less stress and less toxic habits, what would our semen be like?