Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene

Facebook (for those who don't know it) is a social tool. A website that acts as a social media management where anyone can register to search, find or make friends.

Last year Stephanie Knapp Muir, a user, posted a picture of her breastfeeding on her profile and it was removed without warning because she considered herself obscene.

Women breastfeeding their children have been thrown out of restaurants, libraries, museums, shopping centers, ... and now it turns out that you can't put a picture of a baby feeding because it's an obscenity.

Following the event, a group called “Hey, Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) ”, in Spanish“Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene“Which has more than 67,000 members.

The group, in protest and vindication, has organized a "virtual tetada" for tomorrow, December 28.

The teat consists of modifying the profile picture by replacing it with one in which a mother breastfeeds her baby and changes the state (Update status) with the phrase "Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene!".

I have already joined the initiative (one day before, just in case I forget ...) since as the father of a child who has been breastfeeding for more than 2 years I can not agree more.

The function of the female breasts, and therefore that of the mammary gland in them, is that of feed the babies. The erotic function or vision, which seems to be the only one in many minds, has been an invention of humanity.