Highlights in Babies and more: January 5 to 11

One more Monday we reviewed Babies highlights and more, and with the return to the routine after Christmas, which gave us a lot to talk about, among other things toys, the excess of gifts from Reyes, the reaction of children to receive them ...

This week has brought us many comments to the proposal to remove the Day of Kings and shorten the Christmas holidays, as well as to the interesting article that talked about the calendar to know the measures and weight of the fetus during pregnancy.

We have also seen products such as the new Clearblue pregnancy test, some curious chairs that children can customize, ecological food wrappers or interactive t-shirts for fashion.

We saw some tips to save on the purchase of formula milk, and also tips for the good use of child restraint systems, for the safety of the little ones, as well as a good idea to make Strawberry Petit suisse at home.

And refering to the most curious newsWe brought some like the invasion of Hello Kitty to a maternity ward in a hospital in Taiwan, or twins born on a different day, month and year. Our readers were also interested in the news of a hospital fine for not detecting malformations in a fetus.

We hope that next week will bring us many more news, tips and interesting studies.