CreArte Awards, for the promotion of creativity in education

This year they are convened for the first time the “CreArte” Awards for the promotion of creativity in children's education, primary, special and secondary in publicly funded centers.

The main objective of the Awards is to promote the role of creativity as a transversal element of pre-school, primary, special and secondary education, as well as to promote music, literature, theater, photography and visual and visual arts as instruments of learning.

Those projects that contribute to promoting the creative activity of the students will be rewarded, something fundamental if we want them to develop their full potential.

We therefore move away from a teaching-learning method based on memorization or repetition and innovative methods are undoubtedly much more effective. Hopefully they have a lot to choose from, especially in early childhood education which is the sector that interests us in Babies and more.

And because it is also in the smallest children where the mechanisms for understanding the environment are developed more openly, since they are currently open to all kinds of experiences and absorb knowledge in a more natural and spontaneous way, opening the way to the future way of learning. In other words, when they are young it is easier to perceive, understand and enrich themselves with different realities and productions of the world of art and culture.

On the other hand, and we are addressing teachers in early childhood education, the prizes are quite attractive, specifically there are 10 prizes of 10,000 euros to children's centers, and the same for special education. Here you can consult the document with the bases (pdf.). The deadline to carry out the project, work or activity and submit it to the CreArte Awards It will be until September 30, 2009.

Official Site | Ministry of Culture In Babies and more | Early childhood education

Video: Creativity in the classroom in 5 minutes or less!. Catherine Thimmesh. TEDxUniversityofStThomas (July 2024).