The fetuses already have memory at 30 weeks

Before we thought that memory does not develop until the child is born but a recent study indicates that it is not true. 30-week fetuses already have memory.

Recent scientific work has determined that fetuses develop memory when they are 30 weeks old. They took 100 healthy pregnant women as the basis of the work and investigated the responses of the fetus to different auditory and tactile stimuli.

They used sounds and tactile stimulation on the legs of the fetus to try to determine when human memory begins to function. The conclusion is that the fetuses were able to recognize the stimuli they had received when they were repeated.

The 30-week fetuses retrieved information in the short term and after 34 weeks they were able to keep the stimuli in memory for at least four weeks.

If we think about it and have listened to parents with premature babies or have had them, we are not surprised by the idea. Actually, in the womb the baby is already developing his intelligence, his emotions and his sensations; The arrival of memory and other abilities surely does not appear only after childbirth.

These studies always make me wish that this research field will be deepened to really know what fetuses feel before they are born.

The Dutch doctors who have carried out this study have indicated that it can be used to detect abnormalities and help children with mental deficiencies thanks to early diagnosis.

Video: 30 week preemie 2 lbs 15 oz PPROM (July 2024).