Indigestion in pregnancy

In some women the indigestion It is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Before confirming it with a test, they already feel an upset stomach that gives them the signal.

Not all women suffer from it, but it is a frequent symptom during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester and the last pregnancy. At the beginning, by the action of the revolutionized hormones and in the end, because the size of the uterus compresses the organs involved in digestion making it slower and heavier.

It is common to have gas, acidity and an uncomfortable feeling of having a stomach upset and that everything we eat feels bad. In addition, as pregnancy progresses, food takes longer to be digested causing more stomach upset.

To reduce the discomfort it is recommended to take small portions several times a day, since abundant meals take even longer to be digested. It is also important to chew food very well and eat slowly, as well as avoid heavy foods high in fat.

With regard to clothing, choose baggy clothes that do not compress your belly, on schedules, eat at least one hour before bedtime, and when sleeping make it semi incorporated.

In the final stretch of pregnancy the symptoms of an indigestion such as diarrhea, sensation of heat in the abdomen could be a sign that the stage of initial dilation, early or latent, the first phase of birth has begun.

While it is not a disease or affects the baby, indigestion in pregnancy It is one of the inconveniences that most bother the future mother. With these simple tips you can keep it at bay.

Video: Instantly Stop Pregnancy Heartburn and Indigestion WITHOUT TAKING ANYTHING! (May 2024).