Summary of the week from December 3 to 9 in Peques and More

As every week we will review the most outstanding content that we have published in the Peques's blog and more. We remind you that in Pequesymas we talk about children between 5 and 12 years old.

We are driving very strongly the Christmas related items so you can enjoy them with your family and friends and can be a reference for all those children who begin to stop being babies.

We are working on the publication of toy analysis For these dates, this week we have talked about those of Constructions and electronic books.

In the Christmas activities We are telling you our progress with an Advent calendar, we have presented the typical Caga Tió of Catalonia, we are proposing outings to go to see nativity scenes, we are cooking cooking some delicious cookies and we are preparing the shepherd, shepherd and sheep costume for the school.

Of the resources that we found on the web We love Surprising Christmas dedicated to Christmas and we are alerted by Mothers against Nickelodeon against excessive advertising for children.

In the Health We have to be strict with what children play to smoke, we remind you what to do when conjunctivitis appears and we indicate that health is part of the educational process of children.

In the training aspects We considered how good it would be for them to teach children how to type in to let them see that it is possible to use more than two fingers per hand and Kidzui, a special browser for children.

In the proposals for the cinema This week we stayed at home pulling DVD and watching Scrooged by Bill Murray although if we want to go out there, a fun proposal is to go ice skating.

As you can see the contents of Peques and Más respond perfectly to the questions we ask ourselves our children grow up and they are a reference to consult leisure, education and health information that interests us all.