Learning games. The prerincones

By two years children stop having the same interest in the heuristic game, but they are not prepared for the typical corners of symbolic play, because they are not yet prepared to develop this type of game. The prerincones It is an intermediate possibility.

Its development belongs to an unpublished work developed by the specialist in children's education Marina Pascual, "The next game" of which I found a breakthrough on the Profes.net page.

It is based on the observation of many years of work with children from 14 to 26 months and is based on the possibility of offering them a form of transition game between the heuristic and the symbolic game, through everyday objects that must also have a meaning Affective and previous experience.

The containers are close to the child: the mother's bag, the baby's bag, other special bags for the beach or the game in the park.

Children imitate the elders and use the material by removing it, keeping it in its place, keeping the attention for the time for which they are evolutionarily prepared and channeling their emotions.

In each bag are the objects with which the child is familiar. For example, in the mother's bag there may be a purse, a comb, a mirror, a telephone or some keys. In the baby's, wipes, a change, a diaper, a baby comb and other objects he knows. In this way, when taking out the objects, you can recognize them and reproduce their use, introducing themselves through imitation in the symbolic game.

The idea of prerincones game, presented for use in the classroom, can also be developed at home, offering children these game elements from time to time, to allow them to have fun with discovery and manipulation.