Blood losses in the first trimester of pregnancy

Blood losses in the first trimester of pregnancy They are a cause of great concern in women, as usual, and are always a reason for medical consultation.

Many women suffer losses during the first months of pregnancy and their appearance may be due to different reasons. They can be caused by minor problems or be the sign of a serious complication.

Therefore, it is very important to learn to recognize them, observe the color, the quantity and if the losses are accompanied by abdominal pain or some other symptom.

Whenever there is loss of blood during pregnancy, it should be consulted immediately with the doctor to perform an examination and an ultrasound to monitor the development of pregnancy.

Next, we explain each of the possible causes of vaginal bleeding (mild or severe) in the first three months of pregnancy.

Embryo Implantation

Between the fourth and sixth week of pregnancy there may be a slight loss of brown or pink color that lasts one or two days, similar to what you may have when your period begins or ends. It is not usually accompanied by abdominal pain or if there is, it is mild.

Although when the conception occurs, the body sends chemical signals to prevent menstruation from occurring, sometimes when the fertilized egg is implanted in the walls of the uterus, the endometrial tissue erodes producing a slight bleeding called “implantation bleeding”.

In Babies and more, what is implantation bleeding?

You may not know yet that you are pregnant and the bleeding is confused with the arrival of menstruation. But you will see that the bleeding is not over and when you have a test, the pregnancy will be confirmed.

Spontaneous abortion

In the case of suffering more abundant blood losses (such as menstruation) accompanied by abdominal cramps, it can be a symptom of spontaneous abortion.

You should see a doctor to assess the situation. You will have a scan to control the opening of the cervix and an ultrasound to check that the embryo is inside the uterus and has beats. If all goes well, it will surely indicate rest until the bleeding disappears.

It is very disappointing to have a miscarriage, but if it's any consolation it is much more frequent than we think. It is believed that half of the conceptions end in spontaneous abortion, some without our knowing it. The answer to why a miscarriage occurs is very complex. The causes can be a combination of multiple factors, but most of the time it is due to genetic failures in the early stages of embryo formation.

Ectopic pregnancy

If vaginal losses are scarce but severe pain, it can be one of the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy, which occurs when the embryo is implanted outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube, and has very little chance of reaching I finish it.

Losses are usually light and brown in color (except if the fallopian tube is ruptured, which are abundant) and may appear several days or weeks before the pain appears.

In Babies and more Symptoms of ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy

The pain in the lower abdomen is very intense in case of ectopic pregnancy and can hurt more than one side than the other. Dizziness, fainting, and sometimes low back pain or in the shoulder area may also occur.

Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy is very rare but one of its symptoms is vaginal bleeding. There may be bleeding or intermittent loss of brownish color accompanied by excessive growth of the uterus that does not correspond to the weeks of gestation.

The molar pregnancy is the result of an abnormal fertilization of the ovule that produces a deformed growth of the embryonic tissue (hydatidiform mole). In no case can it survive by producing a spontaneous abortion accompanied by hemorrhages of dark and watery color, although generally it is not accompanied by pain.

Uterine hematoma

A bruise may also cause bleeding. It is an accumulation of blood inside the endometrial cavity, something common in women during the first weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding is abundant (as if it were a rule) but is not usually accompanied by abdominal pain. Most of the time, resting the bruise is reabsorbed and the losses disappear.

Other motives

The intense hormonal changes that occur in the first weeks of pregnancy can cause slight blood loss just at the time you should be menstruating.

Maternal infections, such as candidiasis or sexually transmitted infections, although not related to the pregnancy itself, can also cause blood loss in the first months.

In turn, during pregnancy there is a greater blood supply to the vessels of the cervix so that when performing a cytology, a medical examination or having sex, given the sensitivity of the area, slight bleeding may occur.

In Babies and more Mild blood losses after sex during pregnancy

Blood losses in the first trimester of pregnancy are quite frequent and having them does not mean the loss of pregnancy. If you suffer any bleeding, even if it is very mild, it is essential to go to the doctor and follow the instructions to the letter.