Parents magazine presents a homoparental family on the cover for the first time in its history

For the first time in 93 years of experience, the famous Parents magazine decided to include a homoparental family on its February cover: a couple of parents with their two children.

Although times have changed and it is a family like any other, not everyone sees it well and criticism from the more conservative sectors did not wait.

One more family

The parents we see on the cover are the famous personal trainer Shaun T. creator of the 'Insanity' method, and her husband Scott Blokker, who appear next to their twins Silas and Sander, thirteen months old, born by surrogacy (practice legalized in the United States).

Fitness pro @ShaunT and his adorable family star on our February cover, our first-ever to feature same-sex parents. ❤️❤️❤️
Read their incredible surrogacy story here: //

- Parents (@parentsmagazine) January 4, 2019

The children were born prematurely with 32 weeks of gestation, so they had to stay for three weeks admitted to the ICU until they could take them home. But his arrival in the world has not been easy: they got it after 12 attempts with six donors and five different surrogate mothers.

In Babies and more "It's a family too", this is how one girl defends another when she finds out she has two parents

Their children come from the same egg donor, while Silas is from Blokker and Sander's sperm from Shaun's.

When asked about their fatherhood, the coach confesses that the first months have been "terrible." "We got into more fights than we would have ever had in our entire relationship." And her husband adds: "I even wondered if we would have ruined our marriage by having children, but they weren't children. It was not sleeping!"

I've received two great pieces of advice. Scott's dad told me, Youre not coming into the babies world. They're coming into yours, and that made me eager to show them the life we ​​live. The second was from my grandfather, who was married to my grandmother for 56 years. He said, Never go to bed angry, and we dont. The connectedness you feel at the end of the day is the driving force for how you wake up the next day, so every night we fall asleep holding hands. #Insanity founder @shaunt opened up about his incredible journey to parenthood and #twinsanity in our February issue. Tap the link in bio to read @amandampratt

Critics of the most conservative

The new cover did not like One Million Moms, the most conservative branch of the American Family Association, which has attacked the magazine as a platform to promote "a pro-homosexual lifestyle." They have even started collecting signatures against the publication.

In his blog you can read phrases like: "Mothers and fathers are seeing more and more similar examples of indoctrinated children to perceive same-sex couples as normal, especially in the media."

We applaud that new family models have a place in parenting magazines, because two fathers or two mothers with their children are also a family like any other.

Video: Coming Out To Parents In 1975: Youre Our Son. We Love You. Be Home By Midnight. (May 2024).