With what would you compare the pain of childbirth?

One of the issues that worries future moms most is the pain they will feel in childbirth. From the biblical "curse" you will give birth in pain Lightning and lightning seem to loom over our bellies. However, the pain of childbirth can be so intense that it is hardly described doing justice or so mild that the woman hardly realizes she is giving birth.

Therefore it is difficult to describe, and we resort in many cases to comparisons with other pains. You, How would you describe the pain of childbirth? I have heard comparisons (of equality, superiority or inferiority) referring to the following pains: toothache, intense ruler, cramps ...

Possibly the most frequent are belly and kidney pains, the dreaded "births of kidneys." The greater phase of pain usually coincides with active dilation, and this contributes to many times our forced posture or not having freedom of movement to place us in more comfortable positions that naturally relieve pain.

In my specific case, I can say that there has been a certain difference for each of my births. The first was induced and, contrary to what is usually said, the contractions were less painful than in my second birth that was naturally triggered. But for both the former and the latter, he would speak of severe period pains (and milder cramps at the beginning).

Of course, I must also say that I decided both times to put on epidural anesthesia at approximately 6 centimeters of dilation, so that, even without losing sensitivity, the pain decreased considerably.

Until then, Was the pain bearable? Yes. Is there anything that hurt me the most in my life? Yes, I have cried pain on occasion (related to pregnancy and childbirth too) due to hemorrhoids.

On the other hand, remember that much of the pain is subjectiveThat is, we also make the painful sensation from our experience and our expectations, regardless of the actual effect that a painful episode has on the body. And so the pain can be mitigated with positive thoughts, relaxation and other non-pharmacological techniques.

And if we add that there are specialists who assure that the pain in childbirth would be beneficial, possibly we would go calmer to childbirth and the feeling of pain would be less. We all know of moms who gave birth without anesthesia but more or less relaxed and without the screaming or bleeding to which the movies are accustomed to us.

It is also true that many women will no longer remember the pain in childbirth and we all believe that we relive the moment with the satisfaction of having brought our little jewels to the world.

However, for those who have already gone through it, and with the intention of being realistic and detailing how we live it, With what do you compare the pain of childbirth?

Photos | Migraine Chick and e v e n on Flick-CC
In Babies and more | Delivery Plan Guide (pain management), Relieve pain with non-pharmacological techniques (freedom of movement), Alternative treatments to relieve labor pain

Video: Coping with Labor Pain (July 2024).