Look at the last traffic of my children

Thanks to the internet we can access videos and images that would otherwise be unthinkable to watch. Even thanks to the internet we can find a lot of information about babies and children, very useful for parents.

Now, not everything we can find explains how precious and wonderful children are, since there are some pages, like the one I come to show you today, that are dedicated to compiling the opposite: what your children have destroyed or Your last stupid.

Is about "Shit My Kids Ruined“A page on which there are collected a few images of those things that children have come to do, from breaking a flat television, to painting half a dining room with a marker or spreading dog food throughout the house.

I do not know if the images will make you very funny, nor do I know what grace these events will have done to the parents, but I have laughed for a while watching the images. I leave you with some of them:

The one at the top of this post is very familiar to those of us who have a laptop. There are children with a great ability to remove your keys and (arggghhh!) Some of them cannot be replaced.

Dog food

These two girls decided that the dog had to eat, so they put food at various points in the kitchen, just in case it wasn't enough. The problem is that they got a little out.

Decorating the dog

Continuing with the dogs, a boy decided that the white of his dog seemed a bit bland and that is why he took a permanent red marker to make some war paintings (unparalleled the innocent face of the dog).

Goodbye flat TV

Wii + flat TV + child = goodbye flat tv. As you watch TV it was totally unusable.

But how beautiful is she?

This girl decided that her nails were extremely boring compared to her mother's, so she neither short nor lazy took her mother's nail polish and painted them. The problem is that He finished his content and stained his face and dress. Of course, the nails were left of vice.

Redistributing the kitchen

This could be signed by all the fathers and mothers of the world (with cooking). You can spend a whole day thinking about the best distribution in the kitchen that in a few minutes your child opens all the cabinets, even getting caught between them, and puts everything as he considers best.

Mom's eye

The boy in the picture, it seems, hit his mother, very hard, in his eye. He probably did it unintentionally. It is only necessary to see the face of concern shown in the photo, which contrasts with the face of "resignation / I can no more" of the mother.

I don't know about you, but I already have a broken lip and a few stomps on my pinkies on my resume (very painful, right?).

Toy pool

It's summer. Is hot. We all have it. Even the toys, I would say. They deserve a bath. The water! Uff, what a bad time to pick them up ...

Website | Shit My Kids Ruined
In Babies and more | Unofficial gift guide for children up to 2 years (I) and (II), Video: funny pranks of children

Video: Volvo Trucks - Teaching children traffic safety - Stop, Look, Wave (July 2024).