Putting the world within reach of the baby

I often see babies over six months, able to sit by themselves, crawl and even some about to take their first steps, who have virtually no contact with the world around them.

They are babies who sit for a long time in their seats or in a playground isolated from their surroundings and prevented from exploring new things. The child needs to interact, experiment, touch and know new things and for this we must contribute putting the world within reach of the baby.

The baby has a whole world to discover. As soon as he is able to move on his own he will try to get to things to investigate shapes, colors, textures ... His physical development allows him to move, take things, so the stimulation we provide should allow the child to put into practice Those new skills.

The discovery of things is a fundamental process in the development of the baby. Not only is he becoming familiar with the world around him, but through exploration he is learning.

To give an example, by allowing him in the park, instead of sitting in the cart to sit on the grass, come into contact with the earth, take it in his hands, notice its texture (try to take it to his mouth, sure) , touch the flowers, see their colors ... You will be expanding your world and experiencing new sensations.

The baby needs new experiences. You will feel bored if you move from the cradle to the chair and from the chair to the playground. You can see everything from those sites, but you will end up getting bored of seeing everything from the same perspective and always playing with the same toys.

By placing it on the floor and leaving it there to open at ease (always under surveillance and with the necessary security measures), experiment with food, stain, explore, discover, we will be putting a whole world at your fingertips .

Instead of restricting his movements we will be giving him the possibility of discovering the world in freedom.

Video: Rise of the Zombies 510 Movie CLIP - Zombie Baby 2012 HD (July 2024).