"Children love yoga." Babies and more interview with Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher

Since we started the Babies interviews and more We wanted to offer you an approach to topics of interest to our readers with the help of professional experts. On this occasion we publish the second part of the interview with Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher, with great experience in classes for pregnant women and children, treating this time more thoroughly the benefits of these practices for the little ones.

In the first part of the interview with Mari Cruz Isasi we talked about the advantages it offers yoga in pregnancy and in this second one we will focus on the benefits for the little ones and we will also talk about meditation, which offers them resources to feel more serene and happy with themselves.

Can children do yoga?

Children love yoga. They are not going to ask their parents because they do not know him, but they told me it was very funny, they gave me drawings with that phrase.

As I said they can attend class from before birth, with days, months, and with all ages. If parents are open and share classes with them they can get to know their children better. But of course they do not have to go as a teacher, if they go from equal to equal, observe, listen, and do not correct or censor (and that is not easy for parents.

What benefits them?

My experience is that they stop expressing their feelings, they love painting in class. The repressed love often refloated in the classes, love towards their parents, towards themselves. It prepares you to face stressful situations that you live on a daily basis. It helps them the same as the elderly, and the benefits are noticeable before adults.

From what age can they be introduced?

It seems to me that I anticipated this question. We can practice yoga throughout our lives, even in bed we would always be able to meditate.

Should we put some limits on their practice or can they do the same as adults?

Classes have to be shorter, more to the point, shorter meditations, maintain little postures and use many in each class. Normally they can do many more things than adults, they concentrate more too, they have very nice experiences with meditations and they tell you, they are a pass.

Have you taught for children?

As I said I have taught for children, sometimes looking at adults, and also children with parents, which is another wonderful modality.

How was the experience?

Children are very demanding, they detect everything, how are you, what you are feeling. They also transmit you a lot and in their classes you can live yoga with great intensity.

And the meditation that helps us as fathers and mothers?

It has helped me infinitely in my life and as a mother. It is very easy to get carried away by what they tell us, by what is imposed, to me the meditation again and again rectifies the course when I mess with my mind. Other people do it with support groups, with forums, in other ways, everything is fine, everyone has to find a way not to get carried away by the chaos that usually surrounds us.

And in pregnancy?

In pregnancy it happens the same, everything around us is usually very negative, the tests, the monthly checks, creates in the woman a lot of insecurity in general. If you do not help yourself, you can surrender your will and that will make you face childbirth with much fear.

Yoga can help you stay focused on your pregnancy, get more and more confidence in your body and prepare for childbirth with self-esteem, confidence in you. It allows you that the interferences do not affect you so much, connecting with your baby is something magical.

Have you written meditations for children, how are they different from the others?

I don't think about them, if I did I wouldn't be meditating. It seems to me that imagination can be harnessed more, or I know what to tell you. The only thing I know is that they are shorter, with less preamble, more to the point. Should we learn to meditate?

Unfortunately if. From an age we lose the connection with ourselves, we forget the correct breathing, our mind is taking more power over us and we have no choice but to learn to stop the mind, that is to meditate. Meditation is not thinking, there is nothing.

How are children taught to meditate?

Ideally, children could live meditation in a natural way, children are very easy to concentrate with all their senses, their body and their being in what they are doing, that is to meditate. We can teach children by learning us, here it cannot be otherwise, this cannot be told, it has to be lived.

There is a little book that I have written about meditations for children. My idea is that parents read them and little by little they both meditate, surely your children can help you, but you have to leave. If you see that you are not able to believe what you are reading, then leave the book to him to read. You can try your solo first as many times as you need.

The key is to believe and feel the meditation.

We hope this interview with Mari Cruz Isasi, yoga and meditation teacher With great experience with children, it is interesting to you like the previous ones and we commit ourselves to continue talking with experts who help us raise our children in a more conscious and satisfactory way, helping them to be calm and happy people.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).