'Who am I?': Famous Basques join in support of child transsexuality in a video that invites reflection

It's only three minutes in which nine familiar faces of Basque society transfer their support, affection and respect to transsexual children of Naizen, Association of Families of Transgender Minors of the Basque Country.

But the real protagonists of the video are the boys and girls who are happy with the sex they live with, which is not what the others assumed at birth, because as they remind us in the video "there are girls with penis and boys with vulva". By the way, Who I am?What defines me? It is time to reflect.

"There are girls with penis and boys with vulva"

It is one of the truths that this video contains in which Miguel Indurain, Edurne Pasaban, Karlos ArgiñanoItziar Ituño, Pedro Miguel Etxenike, Patricia Gaztañaga, Aritz Aduriz, Zuriñe Hidalgo and Alex Sardui speak, joke, laugh and merge into hugs with the children of this Basque association: Ekhi, Yerik, Sofia, Erik, Nahiane, Zuhar, Ander, Kimetz ...

And among all of them, a message:

"Who are you? Who am I? Often when we are asked this we answer what we do because, often, we don't know who we are."

"All they need is for you to respect them, accept them and love them as they are."

New partnership, same goal

The more than a hundred families that to date were grouped under the name of 'Chrysallis Euskal Herria' are now called Naizen. And on the occasion of their new logo and website, they have published a video that perfectly explains their message: What is more important, what am I or who am I?


And to reinforce the idea, children tell us who they are in the video. You can read their complete stories, how they are in the eyes of their parents and their family on the new website of this association, which "It aspires to become an international reference to understand and accompany child transsexuality."

In Babies and more Childhood transsexuality: what science says and how to help transgender children

Also the letters of the new logo of the association have a message:

“Between pink and blue there is a whole continuum of colors, because each one, each one, is of a different color. Because all of us have all those colors within us, each one in different sizes and proportions. ”

In Babies and more Protect the rights of transgender children, the urgent request to the Government of Spanish pediatricians