Dads and moms blogs (XXXIII)

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

In Raising multiple, a blog dedicated to moms and dads who have multiple births, we have been able to read throughout this week an interesting guide to choose a twin cart distributed in different entries. I leave you with the first one to start at the beginning: “Help! Which twin cart do we buy?"

In Growing up with David, his mother Ana has explained to us how he felt by leaving his son some freedom when exploring new horizons. He confesses that it is very difficult for him to stifle the temptation to hold him at all times to prevent him from falling and to protect him constantly, but he appreciates that his son can play alone with the surveillance of his mother, which has been a beautiful morning.

In Be moms We have seen a funny comic about mothers who surf the internet while breastfeeding, made especially for Irene, the author of the blog. The entry is titled "Tweeting and the tit giving".

In Building a familySuu tells us that she is having a bad feeling, since she is pregnant again and because of the situations she observes at work, she suspects that when she reveals that she is pregnant, the end of her job will begin to take shape in the position she now has.

In Thirty with sonThis mother explains to us how her son is adapting to the nursery and how she is living back to work, with all the fatigue that this entails. Surely many parents are reflected in their words.

In Mom cow, we have been able to read some funny and at the same time incredible anecdotes, in "Things that happen to us", like the one of the boy who, playing with his son, approached with a dog poop in his hand while the father remained impassive.

In 38 years and one day, Pablo's mother explained to us how the third day of her son's daycare was, in the process of adaptation, being interesting how she lives the 45 minutes of separation at the entrance, almost daydreaming.

In Rebel motherCristina explains one of her son's last hobbies, taking off her clothes and going home in a chopped ball. I was very funny because my son Jon also had a nudist era when he was the same everywhere.

Finally in A lot momMartina explains that it does not matter to be born in one way or another, since some types of birth benefit babies and other types do not do so much and enters the debate about whether the way of birth has an impact on people's personality . It is certainly a very interesting entry that will surely make you think.

I take this opportunity to remind you that if you have any Blog in which you talk about your children or things related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments for us to read and comment on.