Babies born in winter, more risk of depression?

On other occasions we have talked about how the season of the year in which it is born could condition certain aspects of the baby's life. It is known that people born in winter have a higher risk of suffering from psychiatric problems, including from winter depression to more serious ones such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

We return with this topic, as scientists from Vanderbilt University (United States) provide the first evidence in mammals that the seasons have a persistent effect on circadian rhythms or the biological clock. The conclusions are based on an experiment conducted with mouse pups, but there are indications that the results could be applied to humans.

Those born in winter were slower in their daily activity, regardless of whether they had maintained a cycle of winter light or changed to summer. When scientists examined biological clocks they discovered a similar pattern: a slowdown in winter born mice.

The researchers believe that the season of the year of birth affects our personality:

Sounds like Astrology, but it isn't: It's seasonal biology!

Although, if we get carried away by these issues, I would tell you not to worry too much if it is the case of your babies since, as a counterpart, babies born in winter are smarter than those of summer according to another study.

In the end, reviewing studies and studies one realizes that each station would have its drawbacks, so it would almost be better to leave it to luck, or move to some equatorial area where there are no differences between stations (although yes, we will have the consequences of the abundant rains, which I imagine there will be too).

The latest investigation in this regard seems to indicate that winter would bring babies with a higher risk of depression, but there are so many factors involved in a disorder as complex as that ...