Make the whole house your play space

Children need to explore without limitations, provided it is in a safe environment. What better field of exploration and games than your own home, where you feel comfortable and protected? Therefore, good advice for parents of young children is make the whole house your play space.

Free and spontaneous activity is extremely beneficial for its development. This does not mean that the house is a disorder, but also an order that limits the child's ability to enjoy.

It is important that homes where there are children are adapted to their needs. The game and the exploration is for them a necessity and “freeing up” the spaces increases their game alternatives, their stimulation and therefore, their learning.

As much as we condition their room as the most attractive game room, children like to skip the "borders" to conquer the whole house with their toys, books and drawings. It is normal, positive and healthy that it is so, because it shows that it makes the house its own, and “its” space is not just its room.

It does not mean that we give them a free letter to paint the walls or jump on the couch (if it is something not allowed), but it is a way to teach them to share and respect common spaces.

Toys should be within your reach, a key factor to enrich your game. You can find a storage system that combines with the rest of the decoration but at the same time is attractive to them, they can use them autonomously and motivate them to pick up after playing.

In short, the house is a family space in which young children must be protagonists. Make the whole house your play space It will expand your chances of discovering in freedom.

Video: Home Tour - Simplify Your Space (July 2024).