Playing with children is key to their development

The game is the quintessential child activity. Through the game children not only entertain themselves but also learn to relate to the world around them. Accompanying them in this discovery of the world strengthens their self-esteem, which is why playing with children is key to their development.

Accompanying means containing them, sharing game time, but not intruding, or giving directives, or imposing our rules or our times. Every child has to discover the world at their own pace, learning to resolve conflicts in their own way, but always with our support.

Parental involvement in children's entertainment helps create a very close understanding between them. In full formation of his personality, the presence of mom and dad in their recreational activities contributes to reinforce self-confidence.

As I said before, the game helps them understand the world around them. Through the game they express their desires, their emotions, socialize and learn to manage situations. Being part of this process helps us to understand them better by putting ourselves at their own height, creating a way to connect with them based on love and trust.

The company of the parents makes it possible to sharpen their senses, their movements and their mental capacity, especially during the first three years. But above all, gives them security, something fundamental for the development of his personality.

The type of games can be very varied and depends largely on the age of the child. Interact with the child from the first games of the baby, in which they are guided by imitation like the game of hiding, to interpretation games when they are older. The range is very wide, you just have to put imagination and remember that to play you do not necessarily need a toy. The important thing is to motivate them through emotions, but keep in mind that you should always play respecting their moods.

Spending time with our children is the most valuable gift we can give them, but also the best we can give. By playing together, at least half an hour a day, you will discover a whole world of possibilities to share. Understand that playing together is key to its development It is basic to forge a solid relationship with children.

Video: Improving early child development with words: Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald at TEDxAtlanta (July 2024).