Cuentis, beautiful personalized stories

Personalized stories are a very special gift, and more if they are made with quality texts and illustrations. An example is in Cuentis' beautiful personalized stories, with illustrated books for all ages.

There are different themes for the stories, from children's fears (the monsters that inhabit the darkness of the room), super grandmothers, how the baby's name was chosen, "The princess of the sea fairies", "The party of the year "... In these children's stories the kids will feel protagonists.

For example, "The match of the year" is designed to be colored, so that you can paint the shirts and equipment of the players of the child's team and the opposite (we also choose their names, which will then appear in the text, as well as the hair color of the protagonist; yes, it is a child).

The books have spaces for dedications and to personalize different fragments of the story, so that we can give it a very special touch and not only with the name of the boy or girl. There are different models: children's, family and adult books, and also different degrees of difficulty when making them (the level is explicit in the description of each book).


But it is quite easy to go page by page modifying the text we want. Many stories are available in Catalan and Spanish, and are hardcover illustrated in full color with drawings that I personally have found very beautiful. The texts are quite successful, they move away from the schematism of other tales of this style.

Cuentis custom stories They have different prices, around 30 euros, according to the selected story.

Official Site | Cuentis In Babies and more | Tailor-made stories, Personalized stories, Tale with you: books edited to size,, to create our own story

Video: The Musem - Story by Susan Verde, Art by Peter H. Reynolds (May 2024).