Guide to good ICT practices for families

The technologies of the information and communication (ICT) have become a fundamental tool in our lives and it begins to be for our children, who will grow with multiple resources at their fingertips. Resources to know how to take advantage and use properly.

The Education Portal of the Junta de Castilla y León offers a guide of good ICT practices for families, with guidelines and advice for the proper use of ICT in the family and school environment.

The guide can be accessed online or we can also download it in pdf. The guide consists of seven sections: presentation, efficient uses and contribution of families, some tools and digital resources, conclusions ...

Especially interesting is the point of risks and measures that families can takeWell, it concerns topics such as the protection of privacy, cyberbullying, the use of protection tools for children's navigation ...

Anyway, issues that, if they have not begun to worry yet because we do not let our children surf the Internet alone, they may soon begin to do so.

This Guide of good ICT practices for families is published in support of the actions of the Network of Digital Schools of Castilla y León XXI Century, which aims to improve the quality of teaching and the educational success of students by integrating technology in their teaching process / learning

The interesting thing is that its contents can be applied to the use of any Internet connection in the home environment. Most of the tips we find apply to any computer with a network connection (or even other devices such as some video consoles or mobile Internet accessories).

That is why I consider an interesting reading this guide of good ICT practices for families, to know or raise awareness about such important and varied topics as the control in the time of use of the computer or the basic care of the computer, the appropriate posture in front of the screens ... Gives good advice for the whole family.

Video: A simple guide to electronic components. (July 2024).