The Milk Bank for premature babies of Catalonia

The Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia launched three months ago a Milk Bank for premature babies, aimed exclusively at collecting milk for donations to extremely premature babies born who cannot be breastfed by their mothers.

The success of the milk bank has been great. He has already collected 100 liters of breast milk from 50 donors who have participated by giving away the surplus of breast milk they have extracted in addition to breastfeeding their own children. Milk is collected, treated and stored with all guarantees to maintain its properties and health.

Breast milk is essential for the health of premature babies . The reduction of many problems is evident when these babies drink breast milk and no formula, affecting their faster recovery, the lower rate of infection and intestinal problems and even their survival, improving the development of their neurological and visual systems.

He Breast Milk Bank of Catalonia It has already started supplying the Dexeus University Institute and the Sant Pau Hospital in Barcelona.

The director of Milk Bank for premature babies of Catalonia, Gemma Valeta has highlighted the “great involvement” of donor mothers, who learn about the initiative through word of mouth, maternity and associations.