What is grafomotricity and what is it for

Grafomotricity is a term referring to the graphic movement made by hand when writing ("graph", writing, "motive", movement). The grafomotor development of the child has as a fundamental objective to complete and enhance the psychomotor development through different activities.

Grafomotricity would enter into fine motor development, that is, the one that appears when the child has developed a certain ability to control movements, especially of hands and arms. As the child grows, he learns to control his body more and more.

The goal of graphomotor skills is for the child to acquire the skills necessary for him to express himself through written signs, through exercises that allow greater mastery of the forearm, wrist, hand and, above all, the fingers.

In the learning and / or acquisition of the grafomotor skills, the practically free line begins, which allows the child to master the space and acquire ease with the basic utensils, to gradually introduce guidelines and directed strokes.

As for the handling of tools, first the movements of the hand, fingers, develop and perfect, and the manipulation of sponges, chalk, thick brushes, waxes and the last are the finest pencils.

You also learn the correct displacement in the graphic space: left-right, up-down. The basic movements can be the vertical strokes, (from top to bottom), horizontal (from left to right), evolving to obliques, loops ... until you get to acquire the most complex motor image of letters, syllables, words ...

In our review of activity cards for children In three, four and five years we have given you examples of different levels of practice for grafomotricity, from the simplest to the most complex.

We will be back soon with some strategies for the development of graphomotor skills, after having made this introduction to the concept and know a little more what it is for.