The period of adaptation of children in nursery school is again ridiculous, one more year

In Babies and more We have talked several times about nursery schools, schools and adaptation periods. Without going any further yesterday, Lola gave us a few tips to help our children adapt in the best possible way to nursery school, very useful tips for parents, who should also meet in daycare centers.

The period of adaptation is nothing more than a certain period of time intended for children to adapt to the change involved in entering a new place, with new children, with a new caregiver and without mom or dad.

Every time we talk about the adaptation period, it is to say (ask) that children be more taken into account, because adapting to a change like the one I just explained, which is not one, but several novelties and of great caliber, is not something that happens in a couple of days, at most three.

This Monday many children started in Catalonia to go to the nursery school for the first time (nursery) and imagine that in the rest of Spain something similar has happened in terms of calendar. Well, I have been able to talk with several moms about this topic and the conclusion I draw is the same as in previous years: the period of adaptation of children in kindergarten is again ridiculous, one more year.

So ridiculous that it is an insult to be called the "adaptation period"

The period of adaptation that many mothers have explained to me is so ridiculous, that if I were one of the parents involved I would be angry at calling the period of adaptation to what is being done with the children.

What they have explained to me (logically, each nursery works differently and not all of them do the same) becomes something like the following:

  • On Monday the mother or father enters with the child in the classroom, with a small group of children (half), so that there are not many people, and they are all together playing a couple of hours.
  • On Tuesday the child enters alone, without the parents, and it is two hours, where he also shares time with few children and the caregiver.
  • On Wednesday the child enters alone, with all the children and is longer.
  • Thursday is going all the time the child stays, if this did not happen the day before

This, more or less, is the average of what they have explained to me to this day. Some mothers even told me that on the first day they only stayed half an hour, because they encouraged them to go outside "because now it is quiet."

Children are sponges and adapt to everything, but they are still children

Everyone knows that children are like sponges, that they learn everything very quickly. We also know that they end up adapting to everything, because they basically have no other and because it is the law of life, but they are still children and also small children, whose maximum reference is her mother and whose greatest desire is to be with her (as we explained in yesterday's post).

The adaptation period exists (or should exist) for a child to see the nursery where he will spend the rest of the year, or more, as a familiar and safe site. A place where mom between two hours is safe, because mom is. The next day it ceases to be, because it is no longer a mother, and of course, as a family member, because it still has nothing. If the third day, in addition, you have to spend more time, then you put it worse.

If I had a daycare center (which I do not have, nor do I plan to have it), I would put an unlimited period of adaptation, leaving the parents to leave whenever they wanted, alone or with the child, as many times as needed and as many days as the child needed. .

But of course, this would be my nursery school, in which things would be done thinking about children (especially in them). maybe a difficult utopia to create, in a world that would not understand this way of acting too much.

In addition, unfortunately, the periods of adaptation are limited by the vacations of the parents, who are usually working or about to start when the child enters the nursery and the days to go with the child to make the aforementioned adaptation are not too many. Perhaps, thinking about them, it would be worth moving the holidays a little and having a party even all those days that a child needs to adapt to change size.

Video: The Dolphin. Educational Video for Kids. (July 2024).