'Working mothers', the Canadian series that comes to Netflix to show a real motherhood and full of humor

Few things change both life and having children. And although parents undoubtedly also go through many changes at the biological and emotional level, it is the mothers who live the experience of having children as a total transformation of mind and body, after which they must readjust to many things.

One of them is the return to work after finishing maternity leave, which is precisely the plot of the Canadian series "Workin 'Moms", which has reached Netflix with its first season, showing the ups and downs of the lives of four working mothers.

Originally "Working Mothers" premiered in Canada in 2017, but recently the first season was added to the Netflix catalog, giving us the opportunity to enjoy this series that deals in a real way, sometimes with humor and sometimes with drama, the postpartum period and the return to working life after having a baby.

In Trendencias Working mothers: humor and motherhood in the Netflix series ideal for first-time parents

The story stars the character of Kate Foster (played by Catherine Reitman, writer and creator of the series), who is a mother who works in a public relations agency and must return to her office job after eight months of maternity leave, finding that many things have changed during his absence.

She is accompanied by three other mothers in the series: Anna Carlson (played by Dani Kind), Frankie Coyne (Juno Rinaldi) and Jenny Mathews (Jessalyn Wanlim). The four attend a support group for postpartum mothers, in which they meet once a week to talk with more women, about different issues related to motherhood such as porting, breastfeeding and sex life after childbirth.

From the first minutes of the first chapter, the series addresses important and very real issues that recent mothers livesuch as postpartum depression, the way in which the breasts remain after breastfeeding and the fear of returning to work after having spent months with a baby.

But do not think that it is a series that speaks of motherhood in an idealized way or everything is treated with great sensitivity. Actually, if something characterizes it is its great sense of humor, which can sometimes be a little strong or acidic, to touch these issues that are very close for any woman who has passed or is living the postpartum.

The Serie sometimes deals dramatically and others in a sarcastic way, various problems and situations that the four mothers go through. For example, in the case of Kate, who although she has a hard time separating from her son to return to work, refuses to give up the great career full of triumphs and promotions she had before becoming pregnant.

In the case of Anna, who She is the mother of a preteen and a baby, returning to resume your work as a psychologist can become a challenge, because of the problems and unexpected situations that are lived inside your home, at school with your daughter and in your family.

On the other hand, Frankie, who returns to work as a home seller while her partner takes care of her baby, begins to torment her some symptoms of postpartum depression that Orillan to act a little crazy and seek help.

In general, the series addresses not only postpartum and return to working life after having a baby, but also shows all the changes and difficulties that arise in their relationships, such as the lack of sexual desire or the fact that the relationship is now focused on the baby and there is no quality time for the couple.

In Espinof 'Working mothers', an interesting and irregular proposal on Netflix on motherhood in the 21st century

Too, It shows some sad situations that mothers who leave their children in charge of someone else live to go to work outside the home: see that your children have a closer relationship with the babysitter, or miss some of their first times to be working.

Personally, I have seen nine of the twelve chapters that make up the series, and although there are some situations that I have not loved and perhaps his sense of humor could be too heavy in some scenes, in general "Workin 'Moms" seems like a good option for first-time mothers (and not so first-time) they can enjoy and with which they feel identified.

Photos | Workin 'moms